Amir mengisi air kolam ikan dibelakang rumah sebanyak 60 ember

amir mengisi air kolam ikan dibelakang rumah sebanyak 60 ember

Geronimo said “Amir mengisi air kolam ikan di belakang rumah sebanyak 60 ember.”

Answer: This sentence means “Amir filled the fish pond behind the house with 60 buckets of water.”

Key Points:

  1. Amir is the person performing the action.
  2. Mengisi means “to fill.”
  3. Air kolam ikan refers to “the fish pond.”
  4. Di belakang rumah means “behind the house.”
  5. Sebanyak 60 ember indicates the amount, “60 buckets.”


Amir filled a fish pond located behind a house using 60 buckets of water.