ingilizce geçmiş zaman yaşadıklarımız
ingilizce geçmiş zaman yaşadıklarımız
Answer: Talking about past experiences in English requires using the correct grammatical structure, particularly the past simple tense, past continuous tense, or sometimes the past perfect tense. The past tense helps you describe events, actions, or situations that have already happened in your life. Below, you’ll find clear explanations, examples, and tips to talk about your past experiences fluently.
The past simple tense is used for completed actions that happened at a specific time in the past.
Affirmative Sentence Structure:
Subject + past tense verb (V2) + object.
Example: “I went to the park.”
Negative Sentence Structure:
Subject + did not + base verb + object.
Example: “I did not go to the park.”
Question Sentence Structure:
Did + subject + base verb + object?
Example: “Did you go to the park?”
Here are five random past experiences described in detail:
A Memorable Vacation
“Last summer, I traveled to Italy with my family. We visited Rome, Venice, and Florence. I tried authentic Italian pizza, and it was amazing!”
Learning to Ride a Bike
“When I was six years old, I learned how to ride a bicycle. My dad helped me balance, and after a few tries, I finally did it on my own.”
Achieving a Goal
“I practiced basketball every day for a month to prepare for the school tournament. In the end, our team won first place.”
A Funny Mistake
“One time, I forgot my homework at home. When the teacher asked for it, I made up a funny excuse. Luckily, the teacher wasn’t angry!”
Celebrating a Birthday
“Two years ago, I celebrated my best friend’s birthday. We organized a surprise party at her house. She was so excited when she walked in!”
The past continuous tense is used to describe ongoing actions or events that were happening at a certain moment in the past.
Subject + was/were + verb(-ing) + object.
Example: “I was reading a book when the phone rang.”
Subject + was/were + not + verb(-ing) + object.
Example: “I wasn’t watching TV at that time.”
Was/Were + subject + verb(-ing) + object?
Example: “Were you playing football yesterday?”
A Sudden Event
“I was walking to school when it started to rain heavily.”
“While I was cooking, my mother was decorating the house for the party.”
The past perfect tense is used to show that one action happened before another action or time in the past.
“By the time the guests arrived, we had already prepared the food.”
Regret or Missed Opportunity
“I had forgotten my umbrella, so I got wet in the rain.”
To clearly indicate when something happened, use specific time expressions:
Time Expression | Example Sentence |
Yesterday | “I went to the beach yesterday.” |
Last week/month/year | “She visited her grandparents last month.” |
A specific year | “In 2005, I started elementary school.” |
Ago | “They moved to another city five years ago.” |
This morning | “I had a delicious breakfast this morning.” |
Be descriptive: Add details (where, when, who, and what happened).
Example: “Last year, I visited a beautiful beach in Turkey. It was sunny, and the water was crystal-clear.”
Use a variety of adjectives:
Adjectives like “exciting,” “memorable,” “funny,” or “challenging” can make your story interesting.
Example: “I had an exciting adventure climbing the mountain.”
Focus on chronology: Use conjunctions like “and,” “then,” “after that,” and “finally” to connect your sentences.
Example: “First, we bought tickets. Then, we entered the park. After that, we went on all the rides!”
Here’s a table with more examples of talking about everyday experiences in the past:
Type of Event | Example Sentence |
A School Moment | “I forgot my book at home yesterday, so I borrowed one.” |
A Family Event | “We had a big family dinner last weekend, and everyone enjoyed it.” |
An Achievement | “I won a medal in the swimming competition two years ago.” |
A Problem | “My phone battery died while I was trying to call my friend.” |
A Trip | “We went hiking and camped near the lake during our vacation.” |
Try writing about your own past experience using the past tense. You can use the following questions to guide you:
Example Answer:
“Three months ago, I went to a music festival with my friends. It was my first time attending such an event, and I loved every moment of it. The bands played incredible music, and we all danced the night away. By the end of the night, I lost my voice from singing so much!”
If you’d like help revising your sentences in the past tense, feel free to write them and ask me for feedback!
altına türkçe anlamınıda yaz
(İngilizce geçmiş zaman kullanılarak yaşadığımız bazı olaylara örnekler nelerdir?)
İngilizce’de geçmişte yaşanmış olayları anlatmak için past simple (geçmiş zaman), past continuous (süreçli geçmiş zaman) veya bazen past perfect (daha önceki geçmiş zaman) kullanılır. Bu yapılar, geçmişte yaşanmış durumları, anıları ve olayları anlatırken doğru bir şekilde kullanılmalıdır. Aşağıda geçmiş zaman kullanılarak örnekler verilmiştir.
Past simple tense, geçmişte belli bir zamanda tamamlanmış olayları anlatmak için kullanılır.
Olumlu Cümle (Affirmative):
Özne + fiilin 2. hali (V2) + nesne.
Örnek: “I went to the park.”
(Ben parka gittim.)
Olumsuz Cümle (Negative):
Özne + did not + fiilin 1. hali + nesne.
Örnek: “I did not go to the park.”
(Ben parka gitmedim.)
Soru Cümlesi (Question):
Did + özne + fiilin 1. hali + nesne?
Örnek: “Did you go to the park?”
(Sen parka gittin mi?)
Aşağıda past simple kullanılarak geçmişte yaşanmış olaylardan örnekler yer alıyor:
Unutulmaz Bir Tatil
“Last summer, I traveled to Italy with my family. We visited Rome, Venice, and Florence. I tried authentic Italian pizza, and it was amazing!”
(Geçen yaz ailemle birlikte İtalya’ya seyahat ettim. Roma, Venedik ve Floransa’yı ziyaret ettik. Orijinal İtalyan pizzası denedim ve harikaydı!)
Bisiklet Sürmeyi Öğrenmek
“When I was six years old, I learned how to ride a bicycle. My dad helped me balance, and after a few tries, I finally did it on my own.”
(Altı yaşındayken bisiklet sürmeyi öğrendim. Babam dengemi sağlamama yardım etti ve birkaç denemeden sonra sonunda kendi başıma sürebildim.)
Bir Hedefi Başarmak
“I practiced basketball every day for a month to prepare for the school tournament. In the end, our team won first place.”
(Okul turnuvasına hazırlanmak için bir ay boyunca her gün basketbol çalıştım. Sonunda takımımız birinci oldu.)
Komik Bir Hata
“One time, I forgot my homework at home. When the teacher asked for it, I made up a funny excuse. Luckily, the teacher wasn’t angry!”
(Bir keresinde ödevimi evde unuttum. Öğretmen sorduğunda komik bir bahane uydurdum. Neyse ki öğretmen kızmadı!)
Doğum Günü Kutlaması
“Two years ago, I celebrated my best friend’s birthday. We organized a surprise party at her house. She was so excited when she walked in!”
(İki yıl önce en yakın arkadaşımın doğum gününü kutladık. Evinde sürpriz bir parti düzenledik. İçeri girdiğinde çok heyecanlandı!)
Past continuous, geçmişte bir süre boyunca devam etmekte olan olaylar veya aynı anda gerçekleşen farklı olaylar için kullanılır.
Olumlu Cümle (Affirmative):
Özne + was/were + fiil(-ing)
Örnek: “I was reading a book when the phone rang.”
(Telefon çaldığında kitap okuyordum.)
Olumsuz Cümle (Negative):
Özne + was/were + not + fiil(-ing)
Örnek: “I wasn’t watching TV at that time.”
(O sırada televizyon izlemiyordum.)
Soru Cümlesi (Question):
Was/Were + özne + fiil(-ing)?
Örnek: “Were you playing football yesterday?”
(Dün futbol oynuyor muydun?)
Ani Bir Olay
“I was walking to school when it started to rain heavily.”
(Okula yürüyordum ki birden şiddetli yağmur yağmaya başladı.)
Aynı Anda İki Olay
“While I was cooking, my mother was decorating the house for the party.”
(Ben yemek yaparken annem parti için evi süslüyordu.)
Past perfect, geçmişte bir olayın başka bir olaydan önce gerçekleştiğini göstermek için kullanılır.
“By the time the guests arrived, we had already prepared the food.”
(Misafirler geldiğinde yemeği çoktan hazırlamıştık.)
Pişmanlık veya Fırsatı Kaçırma
“I had forgotten my umbrella, so I got wet in the rain.”
(Şemsiyemi unutmuştum, bu yüzden yağmurda ıslandım.)
Zaman İfadesi | Örnek Cümle (Example Sentence) |
Yesterday (Dün) | “I went to the beach yesterday.” (Dün sahile gittim.) |
Last week/month/year | “She visited her grandparents last month.” (Geçen ay büyükanne ve babasını ziyaret etti.) |
A specific year (Belirli bir yıl) | “In 2005, I started elementary school.” (2005 yılında ilkokula başladım.) |
Ago (Önce) | “They moved to another city five years ago.” (Beş yıl önce başka bir şehre taşındılar.) |
This morning (Bu sabah) | “I had a delicious breakfast this morning.” (Bu sabah lezzetli bir kahvaltı yaptım.) |
Ayrıntı ekleyin (detay): Olayın nerede, ne zaman, kimle olduğunu açıklayın.
Örnek: “Last year, I went to a beautiful beach in Turkey. It was sunny, and the water was crystal-clear.”
(Geçen yıl Türkiye’de güzel bir plaja gittim. Hava güneşliydi ve su tertemizdi.)
Sıfatlar kullanın: “Exciting” (heyecanlı), “memorable” (unutulmaz) gibi sıfatlar anılarınızı ilginç hale getirir.
Örnek: “I had an exciting adventure climbing the mountain.”
(Dağa tırmanırken heyecan verici bir macera yaşadım.)
Kronolojik bir anlatım yapın: Cümlelerinizi bağlaçlarla (then, after that, finally) birleştirin.
Örnek: “First, we bought tickets. Then, we entered the park. After that, we went on all the rides!”
(İlk olarak bilet aldık. Sonra parka girdik. Ondan sonra tüm eğlence alanlarında dolaştık!)
Türkçe Örnek:
“Üç ay önce arkadaşlarımla birlikte bir müzik festivaline gittim. Böyle bir etkinliğe ilk kez katıldım ve her anından keyif aldım. Gruplar inanılmaz müzikler çaldılar ve biz sabaha kadar dans ettik.”
(Now write in English:)
“Three months ago, I went to a music festival with my friends. It was my first time attending such an event, and I loved every moment of it. The bands played incredible music, and we all danced the night away.”
Bir şey eklemek veya cümleleriniz hakkında yardım istemek isterseniz bana yazabilirsiniz!