What do you do on a typical day? Talk about your daily routines.
Step 1: Talking About Daily Routines
What time do you get up / have breakfast / go to school?
- I usually get up at 7 a.m.
- I have breakfast at 7:30 a.m.
- I leave for school at 8 a.m.
How often do you brush your teeth?
- I brush my teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime.
How do you go to school?
- I go to school by bus.
What time do your classes start?
- My classes start at 8:30 a.m.
What time do you have lunch?
- I have lunch at 1 p.m.
What do you do after school?
- After school, I usually do my homework and sometimes play sports.
What time do you have dinner?
- I have dinner at 6 p.m.
What do you do in the evenings?
- In the evenings, I watch TV or read books.
Do you do your homework regularly?
- Yes, I do my homework every day.
How often do you watch TV?
- I watch TV almost every evening, for about an hour.
What do you do at weekends?
- On weekends, I like to hang out with friends or go to the park.
What are your free time activities? How often do you do them?
- I like playing video games and basketball. I play video games a few times a week and basketball every weekend.
Talk about your preferences of hobbies and free time activities.
Step 2: About Hobbies
What are your hobbies? Why do you prefer doing them?
- My hobbies include playing the guitar and swimming. I enjoy playing the guitar because it relaxes me and swimming because it keeps me fit.
Would you like to try new hobbies? Why?
- Yes, I would like to try painting as it seems like a creative outlet for expressing emotions.
Work in pairs. Follow the pairwork instructions to create a dialog.
Step 3: Creating a Dialog
Student A:
- Invite your friend for a horror movie on 8th December.
- “Hey, would you like to come and see a horror movie with me on 8th December? It’s showing at 7 p.m.”
Student B:
- Ask about the show times.
- “Sure! What time is the show?”
Student A:
- Confirm the show times.
- “The movie is at 7 p.m., and we can meet earlier for some snacks.”
Student B:
- Accept. Tell the suitable show time for you.
- “That sounds great! 7 p.m. works for me. See you then.”
- Yanlış olmuş ilkten reddetmeli ve mazeret söylemeliydin tekara yaparmisin
Work in pairs. Follow the pairwork instructions to create a dialog.
Step 3: Creating a Dialog with Rejection and Reason
Student A:
- Invite your friend for a horror movie on 8th December.
- “Hey, would you like to come and see a horror movie with me on 8th December? It’s showing at 7 p.m.”
Student B:
- Refuse. Give reasons.
- “Oh, I’d love to, but I can’t make it on the 8th because I have a family dinner that evening.”
Student A:
- Invite her/him for the movie the next day. Tell the show times.
- “No worries. How about the next day instead? There’s a show at 5 p.m. and another at 8 p.m.”
Student B:
- Accept. Tell the suitable show time for you.
- “The next day works for me. Let’s go for the 8 p.m. show then. Thanks for suggesting!”
Biraz daha kısa cevaplar versen olmaz mi
Work in pairs. Follow the pairwork instructions to create a dialog.
Step 3: Creating a Brief Dialog
Student A:
- “Want to watch a horror movie on the 8th at 7 p.m.?”
Student B:
- “Sorry, can’t. I have a family dinner.”
Student A:
- “How about the next day at 5 or 8 p.m.?”
Student B:
- “8 p.m. sounds perfect. Thanks!”
- Günlük rutinler hakkında kısa paragraf yazar mısın aynı bu cümleleri kullanarak
Elbette, işte aynı cümleleri kullanarak günlük rutinler hakkında bir paragraf:
Hafta içi genellikle sabah saat 7’de uyanırım ve kahvaltımı 7:30’da yaparım. Okula gitmek için saat 8’de evden çıkarım. Dişlerimi günde iki kez, sabah ve yatmadan önce fırçalarım. Okula genellikle otobüsle giderim ve derslerim saat 8:30’da başlar. Öğle yemeğimi saat 1’de yerim. Okuldan sonra genellikle ödevlerimi yaparım ve bazen spor yaparım. Akşam yemeğimi saat 6’da yerim. Akşamları genellikle televizyon izler veya kitap okurum. Ödevlerimi her gün düzenli olarak yaparım. Televizyonu neredeyse her akşam, yaklaşık bir saatliğine izlerim. Hafta sonları genellikle arkadaşlarımla vakit geçirir veya parka giderim. Boş zamanlarımda video oyunları oynarım ve basketbol oynarım. Video oyunlarını haftada birkaç kez, basketbolu ise her hafta sonu oynarım.
Kısa olmalı ve ingilizce olmali
Tabii ki, işte İngilizce olarak kısa bir paragraf:
I usually wake up at 7 a.m. and have breakfast at 7:30 a.m. I go to school by bus at 8 a.m., and my classes start at 8:30 a.m. I have lunch at 1 p.m. After school, I do my homework and sometimes play sports. I have dinner at 6 p.m. In the evenings, I watch TV or read. I brush my teeth twice a day. On weekends, I hang out with friends or go to the park. I play video games a few times a week and basketball on weekends.
2.soru için başka cevaolar versen olmaz mi mesela hobilerim kitap okumak ve müzik dinlemek diyebilirsin
Talk about your preferences of hobbies and free time activities.
Step 2: About Hobbies
What are your hobbies? Why do you prefer doing them?
- My hobbies include reading books and listening to music. I enjoy reading because it transports me to different worlds and expands my knowledge. Listening to music helps me relax and feel inspired.
Would you like to try new hobbies? Why?
- Yes, I would like to try cooking as a new hobby because it seems fun and rewarding to create delicious meals.
Biraz daha kısa ve bilinen kelimeler kullansan olmaz mi
2. Hobi ve boş zaman aktiviteleri tercihlerin hakkında konuş.
Hobilerin neler? Neden onları yapmayı tercih ediyorsun?
- Hobilerim kitap okumak ve müzik dinlemek. Kitap okumayı seviyorum çünkü yeni bilgiler öğreniyorum. Müzik dinlemek beni rahatlatıyor.
Yeni hobiler denemek ister misin? Neden?
- Evet, resim yapmayı denemek isterim çünkü yaratıcı bir uğraş.
Bunu İngilizce cevir
Talk about your preferences in hobbies and free time activities.
What are your hobbies? Why do you prefer doing them?
- My hobbies are reading books and listening to music. I like reading because I learn new things. Listening to music relaxes me.
Would you like to try new hobbies? Why?
- Yes, I would like to try painting because it’s a creative activity.