Matematik Soru - 6


goldenrod9530 asked the question: “-[6-(-2)]-5=?”

To solve this expression, let’s break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the innermost parentheses.
Inside the parentheses, we have -2. Since there is a negative sign in front of the parentheses, we need to change the sign of -2, which becomes +2.
So, [6-(-2)] becomes [6+2].

Step 2: Compute the addition inside the brackets.

Step 3: Substitute the value back into the original expression.
So, -[6-(-2)]-5 becomes -[8]-5.

Step 4: Evaluate the expression inside the square brackets.
-[8] means taking the negative of 8, which gives us -8.

Step 5: Substitute the value back into the original expression.
So, -[8]-5 becomes -8-5.

Step 6: Compute the subtraction.
-8-5= -13.

Therefore, the solution to the expression -[6-(-2)]-5 is -13.

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