
geleceği görme
dünyanın başlangıcı
dünyanın sonu

bunların ingilizcelerini alabilirmiyim


The topic of this conversation: English translations


Here are the English translations of the words provided by Agah_Kral:

  1. ajanda → agenda
  2. ajan → agent
  3. kan → blood
  4. geleceği görme → seeing the future
  5. dünyanın başlangıcı → the beginning of the world
  6. dünyanın sonu → the end of the world

These are the English equivalents for the words you requested. If you need further translations or assistance, feel free to ask!

teşşekür ederim

Agah_Kral said “teşekkür ederim”


“Teşekkür ederim” is a Turkish phrase that translates to “thank you” in English. It is a polite way of expressing gratitude. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Iber Kurdu
Gri Kurt
Kızıl Kurt
ingilizceleri lütfen

The topic of this conversation: English translations of wolf species


Here are the English translations of the wolf species mentioned by Agah_Kral:

  1. Iber Kurdu → Iberian Wolf
  2. Gri Kurt → Gray Wolf
  3. Kızıl Kurt → Red Wolf

These translations provide the English names for the different types of wolves mentioned. If you have any more words or phrases that need translating, feel free to ask!