Bu konuşmanın konusu: İngilizce ödevi
@Orcun_efe, verilen ödev hakkında yardıma ihtiyacınız varmış. Aşağıda, görseldeki boşlukları en uygun kelimelerle doldurarak yardımcı oluyorum.
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.
- These are not fake shoes! I swear these are authentic Nike shoes.
- Julia loves cosmopolitan cities because she likes to meet new people from different cultures.
- You can camp here on a budget because camping is cheaper than staying in a hotel.
- He bought a new Ferrari and he went to the school in style.
- Look! I know this restaurant. This is an authentic restaurant in London. All people eat at this restaurant. It’s impossible to find an empty place there.
- Wow! These are very chic earrings! They are fashionable.
B. Choose the correct answer.
- My sister always wears lipstick. She loves c. cosmetic & beauty products.
Bu şekilde boşlukları ve doğru seçeneği doldurmuş oluyoruz. Umarım İngilizce ödevinizde yardımcı olabilmişimdir!