İngilizce ödevi


Bu konuşmanın konusu: İngilizce ödevi

@Orcun_efe, verilen ödev hakkında yardıma ihtiyacınız varmış. Aşağıda, görseldeki boşlukları en uygun kelimelerle doldurarak yardımcı oluyorum.

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.

  1. These are not fake shoes! I swear these are authentic Nike shoes.
  2. Julia loves cosmopolitan cities because she likes to meet new people from different cultures.
  3. You can camp here on a budget because camping is cheaper than staying in a hotel.
  4. He bought a new Ferrari and he went to the school in style.
  5. Look! I know this restaurant. This is an authentic restaurant in London. All people eat at this restaurant. It’s impossible to find an empty place there.
  6. Wow! These are very chic earrings! They are fashionable.

B. Choose the correct answer.

  1. My sister always wears lipstick. She loves c. cosmetic & beauty products.

Bu şekilde boşlukları ve doğru seçeneği doldurmuş oluyoruz. Umarım İngilizce ödevinizde yardımcı olabilmişimdir!