İngilizce ödevi


Orçun_efe_Uzelli’nin İngilizce Ödevi

Bu ödevde, öğrenciden uygun kelimeleri seçerek boşlukları doğru bir şekilde doldurması isteniyor. İşte soruların ve doğru cevapların detaylı açıklamaları:

  1. Juliet’s cooking a lot of food today because her school friends are coming over for dinner.

    • a lot of
  2. After shopping for hours, they had little money left.

    • little
  3. We have so many things to do at work today.

    • many
  4. They need a lot of time to finish the project.

    • a lot of
  5. Ruby has bought several dresses for the vacation.

    • several
  6. Frank has a lot of books in his library at home.

    • a lot of
  7. How much money does the book cost?

    • much
  8. The company has signed a few contracts recently.

    • a few
  9. Today, people learn lots of things on the Internet.

    • lots of
  10. Whenever she visits me, she always brings a lot of food.

    • a lot of
  11. How many books are there in the school library?

    • many
  12. I need some milk in my coffee, please.

    • some
  13. Paul didn’t have a lot of time to hang out with his friends because he had many exams that week.

    • a lot of, many
  14. This recipe requires some butter and many eggs.

    • some, many
  15. They needed more time to think about the questions.

    • more

Bu şekilde, ödevin tüm soruları doğru kelime seçenekleriyle doldurulmuş olur.