Fotoğrafta görünen ödevde, verilen cevaplara uygun sorular oluşturmanız isteniyor. Aşağıda her bir cevap için uygun soruları sıraladım:
Where do you live?
- Cevap: I live in New York.
How often does Linda go to the movies?
- Cevap: Linda sometimes goes to the movies.
Where do the children always play?
- Cevap: The children always play in the yard.
Why doesn’t this store have special offers?
- Cevap: No, this store doesn’t have special offers.
What do you buy online?
- Cevap: I only buy beauty products online.
When do you go shopping?
- Cevap: I go shopping on Monday.
What is your favorite online shopping site?
- Cevap: My favorite online shopping site is
Do you save money by buying online?
- Cevap: Yes, I save money buying online.
How often do you go skateboarding?
- Cevap: I go skateboarding three times a week.
How much do those inline rollerblades cost?
- Cevap: Those inline rollerblades cost $200.
Bu sorular, verilen her bir cevap için uygun soru örnekleridir.