İngilizce cevplarını öğrenebilir miyim


Bu konuşmanın konusu: İngilizce cevaplarını öğrenebilir miyim?

Elbette! Aşağıda belirtilen sorulara karşılık, İngilizce örnek cevaplar bulabilirsiniz. Cevapları kullanarak kendi kişisel bilgilerinizi ekleyebilir, dilediğiniz gibi uyarlayabilirsiniz.

F. What is your favorite film? Who is your favorite character? What do you think about your favorite character?

Örnek Cevap (English):
“My favorite film is ‘The Lord of the Rings.’ My favorite character is Aragorn because he is brave, loyal, and determined. I really admire how he fights for his friends and kingdom with so much courage.”

G. Do you like parties? If yes, what kind of party do you like?

Örnek Cevap (English):
“Yes, I do. I enjoy small get-togethers with close friends and family. I like parties where we can play games, listen to music, and chat comfortably.”

H. When is your birthday? How old are you?

Örnek Cevap (English):
“My birthday is on July 15th. I am 16 years old.”

I. Do you have a birthday party every year? What do you need for your birthday party?

Örnek Cevap (English):
“Yes, I usually have a birthday party every year. I need balloons, a birthday cake, snacks, and music to make it really fun. I also love inviting my closest friends and family.”

Tablo: İngilizce Örnek Cevapların Özeti

Soru İngilizce Örnek Cevap
F. Favorite film, favorite character, düşünceniz? “My favorite film is ‘The Lord of the Rings.’ My favorite character is Aragorn because he is brave, loyal, and determined. I really admire how he fights for his friends.”
G. Parties? Ne tür partileri seversiniz? “Yes, I do. I enjoy small get-togethers with close friends and family. I like parties where we can play games, listen to music, and chat comfortably.”
H. Doğum gününüz ne zaman? Yaşınız nedir? “My birthday is on July 15th. I am 16 years old.”
I. Her yıl doğum günü partisi yapar mısınız? Neye ihtiyacınız var? “Yes, I usually have a birthday party every year. I need balloons, a birthday cake, snacks, and music to make it really fun. I also love inviting my closest friends and family.”

Bu örnek cümlelerden yararlanarak kendi kişisel yanıtlarınızı oluşturabilir ve konuyu istediğiniz şekilde genişletebilirsiniz.


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