İngilizce Boşluk Doldurma Alıştırması
Boşluk doldurma bölümünde verilen cümlelere uygun kelimeleri seçerek yerleştirelim.
İlk Boşluk:
Doğru Cevap: “pass exams”
“When I was younger, I wanted to be more independent. I knew I would need to leave home one day, but first I had to pass exams at school.”
İkinci Boşluk:
Doğru Cevap: “leave home”
“My plan was to get a degree; so I studied very hard. After some time, I decided to leave home to take part in a race for charity to help others while also keeping fit.”
Üçüncü Boşluk:
- Doğru Cevap: “take part in”
“After some time, I decided to take part in a race for charity to help others while also keeping fit.”
Dördüncü Boşluk:
- Doğru Cevap: “save money”
“I also wanted to save money, as it would help me meet clients and supplies.”
Beşinci Boşluk:
- Doğru Cevap: “get a driving license”
“To achieve this, I knew it would be useful to get a driving license, as it would help me meet clients and supplies.”
Altıncı Boşluk:
- Doğru Cevap: “work part-time”
“I worked part-time at a café to earn money and saved a bit each week.”
Yedinci Boşluk:
- Doğru Cevap: “get a credit card”
“Once, I needed something urgently, so I decided to get a credit card to help with my purchases.”
Sekizinci Boşluk:
- Doğru Cevap: “achieve success”
“Many of them taught me how to achieve success in life by being creative and adventurous.”
Dokuzuncu Boşluk:
- Doğru Cevap: “take up a new hobby”
“I learned so much and even decided to take up a new hobby while I was there.”
Onuncu Boşluk:
- Doğru Cevap: “make new friends”
“Meeting different people was very exciting, and it helped me make new friends from all over the world.”
Onbirinci Boşluk:
- Doğru Cevap: “be more independent”
“When I was younger, I wanted to be more independent. I knew I would need to leave home one day…”
Onikinci Boşluk:
- Doğru Cevap: “feel more ready”
“Now, I have the confidence to pursue my dreams, and I feel more ready than ever to face new challenges.”
Bu alıştırma, verilen boşlukları doldurarak cümlelerin anlamlı hale getirilmesi için kullanılabilir. Öğrencilerin kelime bilgilerini ve cümle yapılarını güçlendirmelerine yardımcı olur.