İngilizce 9.sınıf


I’ve tried working out a response for you several times, but ultimately failed. Please contact the admin if this persists, thank you!


Elbette, İngilizce dilbilgisine göre bu boşluk doldurma alıştırmasını nasıl yapabileceğinizi açıklayayım. Bu tür sorularda, genellikle geniş zaman (simple present tense) kullanılır. Geniş zamanda, fiiller genellikle özneye göre çekimlenir. Üçüncü tekil şahıs (he, she, it) için fiilin sonuna -s eklenir. İşte soruların cevapları:

  1. Martha plays basketball on Mondays.

    • Açıklama: Play fiili, üçüncü tekil şahıs olan Martha için plays olarak çekimlenir.
  2. We all get up early every day.

    • Açıklama: Get up fiili, öznemiz çoğul olduğundan olduğu gibi kalır.
  3. Andy and Bill come to school by school bus.

    • Açıklama: Come fiili, çoğul özne için değişmez.
  4. The lesson begins at 8:30.

    • Açıklama: Begin fiili, lesson öznesi için begins olur.
  5. Paul speaks two languages; Spanish and German.

    • Açıklama: Speak fiili, üçüncü tekil şahıs olan Paul için speaks olur.
  6. Arthur has a shower in the mornings.

    • Açıklama: Have fiili, he (Arthur) için has olarak değişir.
  7. Lucy listens to music in her free time.

    • Açıklama: Listen fiili, she (Lucy) için listens olur.
  8. Mariah is the best student in our class.

    • Açıklama: Be fiilinin üçüncü tekil şahıslar için çekimi isdir.
  9. My brothers live in a small flat.

    • Açıklama: Live fiili, çoğul özne için değişmez.
  10. Julia has two brothers and a sister.

    • Açıklama: Have fiili, she (Julia) için has olur.

Özet Tablosu:

Cümle Numarası Cümle
1 Martha plays basketball on Mondays.
2 We all get up early every day.
3 Andy and Bill come to school by school bus.
4 The lesson begins at 8:30.
5 Paul speaks two languages; Spanish and German.
6 Arthur has a shower in the mornings.
7 Lucy listens to music in her free time.
8 Mariah is the best student in our class.
9 My brothers live in a small flat.
10 Julia has two brothers and a sister.

Bu şekilde, her bir cümlenin fiil çekimine dikkat ederek doğru cevaba ulaşabilirsiniz. Umarım yardımcı olabilmişimdir! @Elif_Sde_Göktekin


Elbette, metindeki hataları düzeltelim. Metindeki dilbilgisi ve yazım hatalarını belirlemek için cümlelere tek tek bakalım:

  1. “My names Angelina.”

    • Düzeltme: “My name is Angelina.”
    • Açıklama: “Names” yerine “name is” olmalıdır çünkü bahsedilen tek bir isimdir.
  2. “It is always very sunny here, so I likes it very much.”

    • Düzeltme: “It is always very sunny here, so I like it very much.”
    • Açıklama: “Likes” fiili, “I” öznesiyle kullanıldığında “like” olmalıdır.
  3. “From Monday to Friday, my day start very early.”

    • Düzeltme: “From Monday to Friday, my day starts very early.”
    • Açıklama: Tekil durumda “start” fiili “starts” olmalıdır.
  4. “I usually get up at 6:00 a.m. and get dressed.” (Bu cümlede bir hata yoktur.)

  5. “I have a large breakfast with my father and my brother.” (Bu cümlede bir hata yoktur.)

  6. “She leaves home at around 6:30 a.m. and go to work.”

    • Düzeltme: “She leaves home at around 6:30 a.m. and goes to work.”
    • Açıklama: “Go” fiili “she” ile kullanıldığında “goes” olmalıdır.
  7. “The lessons is sometimes boring, but I like English lessons.”

    • Düzeltme: “The lessons are sometimes boring, but I like English lessons.”
    • Açıklama: “Lessons” çoğul bir kelime olduğu için “is” yerine “are” kullanılmalıdır.
  8. “Our teacher be great. She help us a lot.”

    • Düzeltme: “Our teacher is great. She helps us a lot.”
    • Açıklama: “Be” yerine “is” ve “help” yerine “helps” fiili kullanılmalıdır.

Özet Tabloları:

Cümle Yanlış Doğru
1 My names Angelina. My name is Angelina.
2 I likes it very much. I like it very much.
3 my day start very early. my day starts very early.
4 - -
5 - -
6 and go to work. and goes to work.
7 The lessons is sometimes boring The lessons are sometimes boring
8 Our teacher be great. She help us a lot. Our teacher is great. She helps us a lot.

Umarım bu düzeltmeler sorunuzu çözmenize yardımcı olur! @Elif_Sde_Göktekin


Elbette, verilen cümleleri olumsuz forma çevirelim. Geniş zamanda cümleleri olumsuz yaparken, “do not” veya “does not” yardımcı fiilleri kullanılır. Üçüncü tekil şahıslarda (he, she, it) “does not”, diğer öznelerde “do not” kullanılır.

  1. My friends spend money on unnecessary things.

    • Olumsuz Form: My friends do not spend money on unnecessary things.
  2. We do an experiment every day.

    • Olumsuz Form: We do not do an experiment every day.
  3. My mum writes short stories.

    • Olumsuz Form: My mum does not write short stories.
  4. My cousin always remembers my birthday.

    • Olumsuz Form: My cousin does not always remember my birthday.
  5. The bus arrives in time.

    • Olumsuz Form: The bus does not arrive in time.

Özet Tablosu:

Cümle Numarası Olumlu Cümle Olumsuz Cümle
1 My friends spend money on unnecessary things. My friends do not spend money on unnecessary things.
2 We do an experiment every day. We do not do an experiment every day.
3 My mum writes short stories. My mum does not write short stories.
4 My cousin always remembers my birthday. My cousin does not always remember my birthday.
5 The bus arrives in time. The bus does not arrive in time.

Bu şekilde cümleleri geniş zamanda doğru bir şekilde olumsuz forma çevirmiş oluyoruz. @Elif_Sde_Göktekin


Verilen sözcükleri kullanarak cümleleri soru formuna çevirelim. Geniş zamanda soru cümleleri oluştururken genellikle “do” veya “does” yardımcı fiilleri kullanılır. “Do” çoğul ve birinci şahıslar için, “does” ise üçüncü tekil şahıslar için kullanılır.

  1. (Bill / wear) a wedding ring?

    • Soru Cümlesi: Does Bill wear a wedding ring?
  2. (Lily / share) a room with a roommate?

    • Soru Cümlesi: Does Lily share a room with a roommate?
  3. (it / rain) a lot in your country?

    • Soru Cümlesi: Does it rain a lot in your country?
  4. (you / speak) Chinese?

    • Soru Cümlesi: Do you speak Chinese?
  5. (he / eat) the same thing every day?

    • Soru Cümlesi: Does he eat the same thing every day?
  6. (they / know) my e-mail address?

    • Soru Cümlesi: Do they know my e-mail address?
  7. (your mother / work) at weekends?

    • Soru Cümlesi: Does your mother work at weekends?
  8. (you / study) long hours every day?

    • Soru Cümlesi: Do you study long hours every day?
  9. (Jack / spend) a lot of money on junk food?

    • Soru Cümlesi: Does Jack spend a lot of money on junk food?
  10. (Michael / do) any sports after school?

    • Soru Cümlesi: Does Michael do any sports after school?

Özet Tablosu:

Soru Numarası Soruları
1 Does Bill wear a wedding ring?
2 Does Lily share a room with a roommate?
3 Does it rain a lot in your country?
4 Do you speak Chinese?
5 Does he eat the same thing every day?
6 Do they know my e-mail address?
7 Does your mother work at weekends?
8 Do you study long hours every day?
9 Does Jack spend a lot of money on junk food?
10 Does Michael do any sports after school?

Umarım bu çözümler yardımcı olur! @Elif_Sde_Göktekin


Verilen soruları örnekteki gibi tamamlayalım ve cevaplayalım:

  1. ________ they often ________ a fight? (have)

    • Soru: Do they often have a fight?
    • Cevap: No, they don’t.
  2. ________ you ________ milk for breakfast? (drink)

    • Soru: Do you drink milk for breakfast?
    • Cevap: Yes, I do.
  3. ________ your father ________ a car? (drive)

    • Soru: Does your father drive a car?
    • Cevap: Yes, he does.
  4. ________ your students ________ at school on time? (arrive)

    • Soru: Do your students arrive at school on time?
    • Cevap: Yes, they do.
  5. ________ Peter ________ watching cartoons? (like)

    • Soru: Does Peter like watching cartoons?
    • Cevap: No, he doesn’t.
  6. ________ the school ________ at 9:00? (start)

    • Soru: Does the school start at 9:00?
    • Cevap: No, it doesn’t.
  7. ________ your grandmother ________ bedtime stories? (tell)

    • Soru: Does your grandmother tell bedtime stories?
    • Cevap: Yes, she does.

Özet Tablosu:

Soru Numarası Soru Cevap
1 Do they often have a fight? No, they don’t.
2 Do you drink milk for breakfast? Yes, I do.
3 Does your father drive a car? Yes, he does.
4 Do your students arrive at school on time? Yes, they do.
5 Does Peter like watching cartoons? No, he doesn’t.
6 Does the school start at 9:00? No, it doesn’t.
7 Does your grandmother tell bedtime stories? Yes, she does.

Bu şekilde soruları ve yanıtları tamamladık. @Elif_Sde_Göktekin


Verilen kelimeleri doğru sırayla düzenleyerek cümleler oluşturalım:

  1. Shelly / school / every day / goes to

    • Cümle: Shelly goes to school every day.
  2. watches TV / my father / at nights

    • Cümle: My father watches TV at nights.
  3. as a headmaster / in our school / works / Mr. Bush

    • Cümle: Mr. Bush works as a headmaster in our school.
  4. do / you / how often / fast food / eat

    • Soru: How often do you eat fast food?
  5. brushes his teeth / Elon / a day / three times

    • Cümle: Elon brushes his teeth three times a day.
  6. Bill / a book / finishes / every week

    • Cümle: Bill finishes a book every week.
  7. The English tea / for breakfast / drink

    • Cümle: The English drink tea for breakfast.
  8. do / you / by car / go / to work

    • Soru: Do you go to work by car?
  9. twice a week / visit / my parents / I

    • Cümle: I visit my parents twice a week.
  10. straight / turn / and / ahead / left / I / go

    • Cümle: I go straight ahead and turn left.

Özet Tablosu:

Cümle Numarası Cümle
1 Shelly goes to school every day.
2 My father watches TV at nights.
3 Mr. Bush works as a headmaster in our school.
4 How often do you eat fast food?
5 Elon brushes his teeth three times a day.
6 Bill finishes a book every week.
7 The English drink tea for breakfast.
8 Do you go to work by car?
9 I visit my parents twice a week.
10 I go straight ahead and turn left.

Bu şekilde kelimeler doğru sıralanarak anlamlı cümleler oluşturulmuştur. @Elif_Sde_Göktekin


Soruların doğru cevaplarını görelim:

  1. Jane ________ to school every day. (walk)

    • Cümle: Jane walks to school every day.
  2. My mum ________ at 8 o’clock in the morning. (get up)

    • Cümle: My mum gets up at 8 o’clock in the morning.
  3. Jasmine ________ in the pool at the weekends. (swim)

    • Cümle: Jasmine swims in the pool at the weekends.
  4. My father ________ reading books. (like)

    • Cümle: My father likes reading books.
  5. She ________ an art teacher. (be)

    • Cümle: She is an art teacher.
  6. ________ my grandparents every week. (visit)

    • Cümle: I visit my grandparents every week.
  7. Her brother ________ at a hospital. (work)

    • Cümle: Her brother works at a hospital.
  8. She ________ two miles. She is an athlete. (run)

    • Cümle: She runs two miles. She is an athlete.
  9. Mike ________ Spanish regularly. (study)

    • Cümle: Mike studies Spanish regularly.
  10. ________ your school uniform. (wear)

    • Cümle: You wear your school uniform.

Özet Tablosu:

Cümle Numarası Cümle
1 Jane walks to school every day.
2 My mum gets up at 8 o’clock in the morning.
3 Jasmine swims in the pool at the weekends.
4 My father likes reading books.
5 She is an art teacher.
6 I visit my grandparents every week.
7 Her brother works at a hospital.
8 She runs two miles. She is an athlete.
9 Mike studies Spanish regularly.
10 You wear your school uniform.

Cümleler doğru fiil formları ile tamamlanmıştır. @Elif_Sde_Göktekin

İşleniyor: IMG-20250222-WA0012.jpg…

Görselin işlenme aşamasında olduğu ve doğrudan görüntüye erişim olmadığından, sorunuzun içeriğini görmek için görseli yüklemeniz veya yeniden göndermeniz gerekmektedir. Metni veya soruları yazılı olarak da iletebilirsiniz, böylece yardımcı olabilirim.


Tabloda verilen her bir cümledeki yanlışları düzeltelim:

  1. Martin has swimming lessons on weekdays.

    • Yanlış: Martin has swimming lessons on weekdays.
    • Doğru Bilgi: Martin has swimming lessons on Saturdays.
    • Düzeltme: Martin has swimming lessons on Saturdays.
  2. Martin usually has breakfast with his friends.

    • Yanlış: Martin usually has breakfast with his friends.
    • Doğru Bilgi: Martin usually has lunch with his friends after swimming lessons.
    • Düzeltme: Martin usually has lunch with his friends.
  3. Martin and his friends always go to the cafe after lunch.

    • Yanlış: Martin and his friends always go to the cafe after lunch.
    • Doğru Bilgi: They sometimes go to the cafe after lunch.
    • Düzeltme: Martin and his friends sometimes go to the cafe after lunch.
  4. On Sundays, Martin goes on a picnic alone.

    • Yanlış: On Sundays, Martin goes on a picnic alone.
    • Doğru Bilgi: Martin goes on a picnic with his parents.
    • Düzeltme: On Sundays, Martin goes on a picnic with his parents.
  5. Martin and his parents play basketball.

    • Yanlış: Martin and his parents play basketball.
    • Doğru Bilgi: The text does not mention playing basketball. Martin and his parents play volleyball or go to the cinema.
    • Düzeltme: Martin and his parents play volleyball or go to the cinema.

Özet Tablosu:

Cümle Numarası Yanlış Cümle Doğru Cümle
1 Martin has swimming lessons on weekdays. Martin has swimming lessons on Saturdays.
2 Martin usually has breakfast with his friends. Martin usually has lunch with his friends.
3 Martin and his friends always go to the cafe after lunch. Martin and his friends sometimes go to the cafe after lunch.
4 On Sundays, Martin goes on a picnic alone. On Sundays, Martin goes on a picnic with his parents.
5 Martin and his parents play basketball. Martin and his parents play volleyball or go to the cinema.

Bu şekilde, her cümledeki hata tespit edilip doğru bilgilerle düzeltilmiştir. @Elif_Sde_Göktekin