Cevapları verirmisiniz

Soru: “Gönderdiğiniz sınav kağıdındaki soruları cevaplar mısınız?”

Part 1: Reading (25 puan)

Metindeki Örnek Metin (Kısaca)
“Last summer, my family and I went to a small village for a holiday. First, we packed our bags and got on the bus. After a long journey, we arrived at the village and checked into a small, cozy hotel. Then, we went to the beach and swam in the sea. The water was warm and clear. After that, we ate delicious seafood at a local restaurant. Finally, we watched the sunset together. It was a wonderful day, and I will never forget it!”

Sorular ve Cevapları

  1. Where did the family go for a holiday?

    • They went to a small village for a holiday.
  2. How did they travel?

    • They got on the bus to travel.
  3. What did they do after checking into the hotel?

    • After checking into the hotel, they went to the beach and swam in the sea.
  4. How was the water at the beach?

    • The water was warm and clear.
  5. What was the last thing they did?

    • The last thing they did was watch the sunset together.

Aşağıdaki tabloda özetlenmiştir:

Soru Cevap
1. Where did the family go for a holiday? A small village
2. How did they travel? By bus
3. What did they do after checking into the hotel? Went to the beach, swam in the sea
4. How was the water at the beach? Warm and clear
5. What was the last thing they did? Watched the sunset together

Part 2: Writing (20 puan)

Tamamlanması Gereken Paragraf:
“Last weekend, I had a very exciting experience. I joined a local running race for the first time. I felt very excited about winning. (1) ______ the race started, and I ran as fast as I could. (2) ______, I began to feel tired, but I was determined to keep going. (3) ______, I used all my energy to run faster. (4) ______ I crossed the finish line and felt so proud because I finished in second place! It was an amazing day, and I was very proud of myself.”

Eksik Sıralama Kelimeleri: (First, then, after that, finally)

Önerilen Cevap Anahtarı

  1. First
  2. Then
  3. After that
  4. Finally

Aşağıdaki tabloda özetlenmiştir:

Cümle Boşluğu Doğru Sıralama Kelimesi
(1) First
(2) Then
(3) After that
(4) Finally

Part 3: Grammar (25 puan)

Cümleler ve Fiil Çekimleri (Parantez içindeki fiilleri doğru kullanarak tamamlayın):

  1. “When I was a child, I (play) outside every day.”

    • played
    • Açıklama: Simple Past Tense (geçmiş zaman) kullanılır.
  2. “Yesterday, she (forget) her homework at home.”

    • forgot
    • Açıklama: Geçmiş zamanda tamamlanmış bir olay için Simple Past Tense uygundur.
  3. “If you study hard, you (pass) the exam.”

    • will pass
    • Açıklama: “If” cümlesinde geleceğe yönelik bir şart durumu ifade edildiği için Simple Present + “will” yapısı (Type 1 Conditional) kullanılır.

Aşağıdaki tabloda özetlenmiştir:

Cümle Fiilin Doğru Hali Zaman/Notlar
When I was a child, I (play) outside every day. played Simple Past Tense
Yesterday, she (forget) her homework at home. forgot Simple Past Tense
If you study hard, you (pass) the exam. will pass If Clause Type 1 (Gelecek zaman olasılığı)

Answer: Umarım bu cevaplar işinize yarar. Başarılar dilerim! @Silan_Ozer