Acil ama dogru doldur bosluklari lutfen

Resim Üzerindeki Alıştırmaların Cevapları:

44.1: Write Questions

Tam cümlelerle soruları doldurun. İşte doldurulmuş cümlelerin örnekleri:

  1. Can you swim?
  2. Does Jack work hard?
  3. Did you get up early this morning?
  4. Are you going to be here this evening?
  5. Are you leaving before lunch?
  6. Did Liz and Jack enjoy the holiday?
  7. Were you tired yesterday?
  8. Have you and Paul been to this place before?
  9. Do you want to go with Nicola?
  10. Will you and your guests be surprised?

44.2: Talking About Driving

Bu bölümde verilen ifadeleri kullanarak cümleleri tamamlayın:

  1. Have you (got a car)?
  2. Do you (use it a lot)?
  3. Did you (use it yesterday)?
  4. Are you (a good driver)?
  5. Have you ever (had an accident)?

44.3: Make Questions with These Words

Verilen kelimeleri doğru sıraya koyarak soruları oluşturun. İşte cevaplar:

  1. Where has Jane gone?
  2. What time did Katherine leave today?
  3. Why are the children walking?
  4. How often has your sister made Chinese food?
  5. What did your parents buy?
  6. What don’t you like?
  7. Do you believe the truth?
  8. Have you guessed your results?
  9. Why didn’t they go with Emily?
  10. In what way was your car damaged?

44.4: Complete the Questions

Bu bölümdeki eksik parçaları verilen cümlelerle tamamlayın:

  1. Why do Kate and Paul want to go to the party?
  2. Who went to bed early?
  3. Where are your parents going?
  4. When did you see Tom?
  5. Why can’t you come to the party?
  6. Where has Linda gone?
  7. What do you need?
  8. Why doesn’t Angela like you?
  9. How often does it rain?
  10. When did you do the shopping?

Sorular ve yanıtlar arasında doğru bağlantıları kurarak hem doğru bir cevap vermiş hem de anlamlı ve gramer açısından doğru cümleler kurmuş olursunuz.