Which of the following statements is true concerning how light interacts with the pigments in a red tomato?

which of the following statements is true concerning how light interacts with the pigments in a red tomato?

which of the following statements is true concerning how light interacts with the pigments in a red tomato?

Answer; When white light shines on a red tomato, the pigments in the tomato selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others. Specifically, the pigments in the tomato, such as lycopene and carotenoids, absorb most of the blue and green parts of the spectrum, but reflect the longer-wavelength red and orange parts of the spectrum.

This is why we perceive the tomato as being red. Therefore, the statement that is true concerning how light interacts with the pigments in a red tomato is: The pigments in the tomato selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others.